Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Weekly Update April 6 to 10

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I wrote a lengthy email (below) and decided to add this to the top as some of you are so busy, and now, one more email.  I have added the quick read for you.

3 Key Points to this lengthy email:

  1. Students need to be actively participating in learning, meaning participate in the remote learning, do the work, and turn it in.  We are at 75-80% participation!  GREAT JOB!

  1. Teachers will review, comment, and/or correct the work, not issuing a grade or score.  School work will be identified as “submitted” or “missing” in ASPEN, but kids need to do their best.  This is important, it is about learning!

  1. We want our students to do well and be well.  Schedules help, having things to do helps, and having a purpose helps. School is a kid's purpose. Get connected and learn with us!


Mike Rossi.

Mrs. Fitzgerald is providing a class for parents tomorrow:

Live Stream training on Google Classroom Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 2 pm. 

April 8, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope this email finds you and your family well.  By now you have probably listened or read the update from Mr. Piwowar, Superintendent of Schools sent out Friday, April 3, 2020.  We have some big changes taking place as we begin “Phase II” of our remote learning during this unprecedented school closure. The biggest change is the expectation of work completion  by students. For most students this is not a change as we had a participation rate of about 75-80% during the first three weeks of the closure.  GREAT JOB MARSHALL STUDENTS AND PARENTS!!!

  • Teachers will continue to create learning experiences and activities in ALL subject areas. 
  • Teachers have shared scheduled office hours and remote learning experiences.   
  • Each teaching team will send out a weekly planner to both you and your child including information for each class your child is enrolled in.  
  • The suggested planner provides daily activities by subject area.  This guide is intended to help students with planning. However, we recognize that each household will need to make adjustments around your needs.
  • Students should turn all work in as identified on the weekly planner for credit.
  • Teachers will be providing feedback on the completed activities and tracking work completion in ASPEN, as this is a familiar resource for both students and parents. 
  • Work will be identified as “submitted” or “missing” in ASPEN.  
  • Again the expectation is that students will complete and submit activities and participate in virtual learning experiences.

This has been a difficult time for all of us and for some, extremely difficult.  We recognize that each family is doing their best to address their child’s education during this public health emergency.  Our goal is to support you as best we can. As students access remote learning it is wonderful to see how teachers focus on the social connection for kids, and then everything else.  Our teachers get it! This is great for their social emotional well being. We want to connect with them. Please have them log on to their remote learning experiences. We also recognize that being active and having a structure to their day helps.  

We continue to learn and adapt while we engage in this new style of learning for our students.  I truly appreciate your support and understanding, as we work to provide the best possible education to your child during the school closure.  I am grateful for the outpouring of effort our teachers have made in designing, creating, and developing remote learning experiences for our kids.  Finally, I continue to be grateful for our healthcare workers!  

Warmest Regards,

Mike Rossi

Mrs. Fitzgerald is providing a class for parents tomorrow:

Live Stream training on Google Classroom Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 2 pm. 

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